Chieh-ming J. Chang, Professor
Tel:886-4-2285-2592; 2284-0510 ext 610; Fax:2286-0231
E-mail: [email protected]
Year 2000 Outstanding Research Award from National Chung Hsing University 
MS, University of Alabama, USA (1984-1986) 
PhD, University of Arizona, USA (1986-1990) 
Process Engineer, China Petrochemical Development Corp. 
Associate Professor, Yuan-Ze Institute of Technology
Associate Professor, National Chung Hsing University
Professor & Chairman, National Chung Hsing University
(1995-, 1999-2001) 
Gast Professor, Technische Universitaet Hamburg-Harburg, GE (2002)


Research Interests
Our current research is aimed at advancing basic knowledge and technology, and providing technical support to our country in the processing of plant materials into useful products. Specific areas of expertise include: separation and purification of effective constitutes from biotechnology products and neutraceutics, and the reusing of wastes. Major research emphasizes on supercritical fluid & hot pressurized fluid extractions, and physical-chemical property & phase equilibrium measurement.
Active applications include the recovery of saponins and catechins from tea, flavonoids and phenolic acids from Propolis, essential oils from nature materials, marker compounds from plants, etc. and bio-availability assay collaborated with CMU and VGHTC.
Selected Publications
Chen, C.H., W.H. Chen, C.J. Chang*, S.M. Lai, C.H. Tu, “Biodiesel Production from Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extracted Jatropha oil Using Subcritical Hydrolysis and Supercritical Methylation,” Accepted to publish in Journal of Supercritical Fluids, December (2009). (SCI- 9/114)
Chen, C.R., Ying-Nong Lee, Miau-Rong Lee, C.J. Chang*, “Supercritical fluids extraction of cinnamic acid derivatives from Brazilian propolis and the effect on growth inhibition of colon cancer cells,” Journal of the Taiwanese Institute of Chemical Engineers, 40(2), 130-135(2009). (SCI- 45/114)
Lin, S.C., C.J. Chang*, T.S. Deng, “Enzymatic hot pressurized fluids extraction of polyphenols from Pinus Taiwanensis and Pinus Morrisonicola,” Journal of the Taiwanese Institute of Chemical Engineers, 40(2), 136-142(2009). (SCI- 45/114)
Lee K.J., W.K. Chen, L.S. Lee, C.J. Chang*, J.W. Ko, “Isothermal Vapor-Liquid Equilibria for Binary Mixtures of Benzene, Toluene, m-xylene, and N-methylformamide at 333.15K and 353.15K,” Fluid Phase Equilibrium, 280, 42-48 (2009). (SCI- 5/43)
Lee K.J., W.K. Chen, J.W. Ko, L.S. Lee, C.J. Chang*, Isothermal Vapor-Liquid Equilibria for Binary Mixtures of Hexane, Heptane, Octane, Nonane and Cyclohexane at 333.15K, 343.15K and 353.15K,” Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 40, 573-579 (2009) (SCI- 45/114)
Wu J.J., J.C. Lin, C.H. Wang, H.L. Yang, S.L. Hsu, C.J. Chang*, ”Extraction of Anti-oxidative Compounds from Wine Lees Using Supercritical Fluids and Associated Anti-tyrosinase Activity,” Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 50, 33-41 (2009).(SCI- 9/114)
Chen C.R., C.T. Shen, J.J. Wu, S.L. Hsu, C.J. Chang*, “Precipitation of 3,5-diprenyl-4-hydroxycinnamic acid in Brazilian Propolis from Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Solutions,”Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 50, 176-182 (2009) (SCI- 9/114)
Chen W.H., C.H. Chen, C.J. Chang*Y.H. Chiu, D. Hsiang, “Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of triglycerides from Jatropha curcas L. seeds,” Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 51, 174-180 (2009) (SCI- 9/114)
Wu, J.J., C.T. Shen, T.T. Jong, C.C. Young, H.L. Yang, S.L. Hsu, C.J. Chang*, “Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Anti-solvent Process for Purification of Micronized Propolis Particulates and Associated Anti-cancer Activity,” Separation and Purification Technology, 70, 190-198 (2009) (SCI- 11/114)
Chen J.H., B.C. Liau, T.T. Jong *C.J. Chang, “Extraction and Purification of Flavanone Glycosides and Kaemferol Glycosides from Defatted Camellia oleifera Seeds by Salting-out using Hydrophilic Isopropanol,” Separation and Purification Technology, 67, 31-37 (2009). (SCI- 11/114)
Chen, W.K., K.J. Lee, J.W. Ko, C.J. Chang*, L.S. Lee, “Measurement and Correlation of Vapor-Liquid Equilibria for Binary Mixtures of Toluene, Benzene, o-xylene, m-xylene, Sulfolane and Nonane at 333.15K and 353.15K,” Fluid Phase Equilibria, 287, 128-135 (2009). (SCI- 4/43)
Chen, W.K., K.J. Lee, J.W. Ko, C.J. Chang*, L.S. Lee, “Vapor-Liquid Equilibria and Density Measurement for Binary Mixtures of o-xylene + NMF, m-xylene + NMF and p-xylene + NMF at 333.15K, 343.15K and 353.15K from 0 to 101.3 kPa,” Article on-line, Fluid Phase Equilibria, December (2009). DOI/ j.fluid2009.12.002 (SCI- 4/43)
Chang, C., J.H. Chen, C.J. Chang, T.T. Wu, C.J. Shieh*, “Optimization of lipase-catalyzed biodiesel by isopropanolysis in a continuous packed-bed reactor using response surface methodology,” New Biotechnology, 26, 3/4, 187-192 (2009)
Chang, C. J.*, K. L. Chiu, and C. Y. Day, "A New Apparatus for the Determination of P-x-y Diagrams and Henry’s Constants in High Pressure Alcohols with Carbon Dioxide, " Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 12(2), 3, 223-237(1998).
Chang, C.J.*, K.L. Chiu, Y.L. Chen, and C.Y. Chang, "Separation of Catechins from Green Tea Using Carbon Dioxide Extraction," J. of Food Chemistry, 68, 109-113(2000).
Chen, C.C., C.J. Chang*, and P.W. Yang, “Vapor-Liquid Equilibria of Carbon Dioxide with Linoleic Acid, a-Tocopherol, and Triolein at Elevated Pressures,” Fluid Phase Equilibria, , 175(1-2), 107-115(2000).
Chang, C.J.*, H.C. Wang, and C.R. Chen, “Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Ginseng Root Hair Oil and Ginsenosides,” J. of Food Chemistry, 72, 505-509(2001)
Chang, C.J.*, Y.F. Chang, H.Z. Lee, J.Q. Lin, and P.W. Yang, "Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of High-Value Substances from Soybean Oil Deodorizer Distillate," J. of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 39, 4521-4525(2000).
You, G.S, S.C. Lin, C.R. Chen, T.W. Chen, W.W. Huang, and C.J. Chang*, “Supercritical Carbon dioxide extraction enhance flavonoids of water-soluble propolis,” J. Chin. Inst. Chem. Engrs., Vol.33, No.3, 233-241(2002).
Chiu, K.L., Y.C. Cheng, J.H. Chen, C.J. Chang*, and P.W. Yang, "Supercritical fluids extraction of Ginkgo ginkgolides and flavonoids," Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 24, 77-87(2002).
Chang, L.H. and C.J. Chang, “Extracting and Purifying Isoflavones from Defatted Soybean Flakes using Superheated Water at Elevated Pressures, “ J. of Food Chemistry, 84(2), 279-285 (2004).
Extraction of 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl Free Radical Scavenging Compounds from Taiwan Yams (Dioscorea alata),“ Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52(7), 1945-1949 (2004).
Lin, C.C., S.C. Lin, and C.J. Chang, “Optimizing Pressurized Liquid Extraction of Bioactive Compounds From Taiwanese Pine Needles,“ J. Chin. Inst. Chem. Engrs., 35(4), 2004.
Teaching subject